Vital Knowledge

How to Say NO and set Boundaries with Clients

In this episode of Skinfessional we talk about our own struggles with setting boundaries, saying no, and essentially lay our souls bare as we discuss our mistakes and failures so you can hopefully avoid all of them!

It was hard to launch this episode since we recorded it way back in January when we didn’t see the world with Covid-19 in it. Still, as Alex and I have been looking through the canned eps, this one popped out as super relevant to the here and now.

In this new reality, customer care is going to change. The need for gloves, masks, constant cleaning, maybe white everything makes a comeback to show how clean everything is? I’m not 100% sure what the future aesthetic will be, but I do know that there is still going to be a need to set boundaries and make sure we are ditching user clients.

So what exactly is a user client? Well they are those clients you don’t want to see. They suck up your time and give you nothing back in return. They are the client you see on your book and groan about. Time suck. Unappreciative. Maybe very nice people, but ones you don’t want in your office not respecting you or your time.

Taking responsibility for these people in your life is the first step to getting rid of them. Set boundaries and know that it’s okay to say “No” to them! Even better say no without saying the word no at all, and just hedge them out of your life and off your book quietly.