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Making All Clients Equally Comfortable With Inclusion: Interview with Inclusion & Diversity Expert, Attorney Yesenia Gutierrez

When I listen to my friend Yesenia speak about her dreams of a future where people feel safe, heard, important, equal, and included I hear the passion she has for her calling as deeply as any esthetician who sees a client and knows they can fix someone’s skin. Just like we educate and create skincare plans, Yesenia educates and designs programs that foster and teach inclusion and diversity.

When I asked Yesenia to speak to us about how we could make clients more comfortable I came with a few questions. You know the ones we all have. How do we deal with asking clients about their genitals??? What are we doing about pronouns on intake forms when “other” is the only freaking option! And how can we educate ourselves?

As usual, when it comes to talking to my friend, I left this interview with far more insight than I ever expected. I’m blessed to have powerful, smart, and kind women like Yesenia in my life. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity. There are very few Diversity and Inclusion Experts in America right now, let alone ones with Yesenia Gutierrez’s background who are kind enough to take an hour out of their day to talk to us about dangly bits, bathroom etiquette, and the mindset switches we can make to help our customers feel more comfortable in the spa and salon.

Uncategorized Vital Knowledge

Get Reel! Start Using Social Media to Get Your Perfect Client with Expert Jenna Warriner

Unless your a social media expert like our guest Jenna Warriner this is an episode you want to sit and listen carefully to. Both Alex and I were madly taking notes as our guest spoke! Social may be fun and cool, but unless you’re using it with laser focus you’re missing out in the real money…or should I say “reel” money!

Yes indeed Reels are a hot topic as well as strategies you can use to create content and the fastest ways of creating it.

I’m not going to say too much about today’s ep. Let it unfold and enjoy all the new things you’re about to learn!

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Letting Go of Fear and Just Living in The New Normal

Let’s get real for a second – hah! As if we haven’t been “real” on any of our episodes! But I want to get real like talking about fear and stuff that can be triggering for many right now living in the time of pandemic.

I’m a planner. I’m a doer. Most people listening to this probably are as well. We business owners and successful entrepreneurs tend to be. The hardest thing about what’s going on right now is that there are no plans. We can’t make them because everyday some other new explosion and drama is happening.

The new normal is scary and you probably don’t know what you’re doing in it. On today’s show we talk about options for your future and how the new normal leaves room to aspire but maybe not actually plan since anything can change at the drop of the hat.

My moto for 2020 is don’t make plans. Have goals and aspire to them because honestly that’s all you can do. I’m a five year out planner. I’m a freaking Four Star General when it comes to moving the battle troops of my life. So surrendering to this new normal of “Let’s see what shit is gunna happen today and roll with that” is hard.

Coronavirus Uncategorized Vital Knowledge

Promises Promises Handling Expectations and Customer Service in the New Normal

“The New Normal” is anything but normal and to give exceptional customer service we need to do more than focus on PPE, we need to focus on what we always have, making the client feel good. In this espisode of Skinfessional we talk about what’s triggering us, our clients, how there don’t seem to be any safe conversations anymore, and ways we are all trying to navigate these crazy crazy times.

This episode, like so many, came right outta your needs listeners. We received your phone calls and DM’s. The thing is no one specifically had this question but when Alex and I started talking the common theme was this broader question of how the new normal is affecting us and our relationship with our clients.

Care givers are on the front lines of all this. We are the ones who are dealing with the trauma backlash. The people who are trying desperately to help our clients/patients find comfort and relief but it’s very hard to so when we ourselves are both limited in what we can do and spinning out of control.

I urge you to listen to this episode. I also urge you to find a group of people to support you. We are all in this together. We need others more than ever right now.


Are You A Money Magnet?

Is your money story keeping you from the wealth and abundance you richly deserve? On this episode we talk about how to reset your money mindset, how to recognize the poor thoughts that may be holding you back from success, and how to embrace the money magnet within!

Have you ever met those people who just seem lucky? They always win contests and life seems to just go their way. I’m sure you know someone like that. Maybe that person is you! For me I used to be jealous of people like that, but then I learned how to change my money mindset. I learned how to re-write my own money story, and with that rewrite, my own luck changed for the better.

How we shape what’s around us matters. Our mind is a powerful tool and you need to start using it to be more profitable in your business. Go ahead and listen to this episode then tell me what you think. I’d love to hear anyone who starts to change their money mindset and changes their life.

Vital Knowledge

A Revolution on Social Media: Speaking Up, Standing Up & Posting With Purpose

The days of staying out of politics with your social are over. BLM has spawned a revolution in the streets and on social media showing us that being silent speaks volumes. To say nothing means you are for whatever you aren’t speaking up against.

How does one post with purpose and take a stand? On today’s episode of Skinfessional we talk about ways to find your voice, craft your message, feel safe speaking your mind, and be sensitive to your ignorance. These are uncharted waters for many of us, but being uncomfortable is what entrepreneurs are all about, so let’s go forth and figure it out together because in the new world we must!

Vital Knowledge

How To Write Email Marketing That Gets Opened and Isn’t Boring

Writing email is hard. Keeping up with your newsletters is hard. It’s even harder to keep doing it weekly, monthly, yearly when people don’t open them and just plain ignore what your are saying! Some of that is just part of email life these days. Email boxes are full, but if you can write content that matter, content that YOU want to read, then the right eyeballs will start reading it.

On this episode of Skinfessional we talk about all things mailing lists, emails, newsletters, content creation, and pretty much Alex opens up about what’s worked and not worked in her five years of sending good and bad email marketing campaigns.

In a world where speaking to the right client and the right time is vital, we think this is one of our most important Skinfessional’s yet. Be sure to listen and maybe re-listen!


Finding Your Truth: Should You Reopen Your Business After COVID?

Another round of businesses are being allowed to open, but should you? At Skinfessional we’ve been boots on the ground with spa and salon owners about what it’s like reopening their businesses. How their clients are doing, what the regulations are, and essentially can you make money?

On this episode we get really personal and discuss what it’s like for us. I give some true confessions about a big decision I made and the conversations I’ve had with my successful peers about theirs.

We laugh. We cry. We talk about hopes and plans for the future. Skinfessional lives up to its name guys – real life stories, this shit is hard.


How to Feel Good About Selling

To be successful as a beauty biz owner you gotta make retail sales. It’s that simple. Honestly they should make up at least 50% of your income. But there’s this thing where selling feels icky to so many new business owners. The thing is, it really shouldn’t. People NEED products. They need your services. In this episode of Skinfessional we break down the why’s and how’s to make you feel good about and be able to selling anything.

We recorded this pre-COVID and we had so many technical issues (should I confess this was originally episode 13?!) that we don’t even have video for this one. The thing is, talking about selling and sales is just as relevant post pandemic as it was pre. In fact, as Alex and I listened to this episode we were struck by how relevant all this information was!

People are just getting back out and buying things. Knowing how to get your customers what they want is more important than ever. Our bottom lines are being slashed in so many ways and your customers want to buy and need to buy what you’re selling. If you don’t sell it to them someone else will.

Vital Knowledge

What We’ve Learned from Surrendering

On this episode of Skinfessional Alex talks about how important it is to know how and when to surrender and how to be okay with it. As business owners and entrepreneurs we have a never say never and do or die attitude. But what about the things we can’t control? Sometimes the best solution is to just go with the flow and let things work themselves out. It’s hard for us control freaks, but we talk about the best strategies to go about it and how they can really save you time and anxiety in the long run.