Coronavirus Uncategorized Vital Knowledge

Promises Promises Handling Expectations and Customer Service in the New Normal


“The New Normal” is anything but normal and to give exceptional customer service we need to do more than focus on PPE, we need to focus on what we always have, making the client feel good. In this espisode of Skinfessional we talk about what’s triggering us, our clients, how there don’t seem to be any safe conversations anymore, and ways we are all trying to navigate these crazy crazy times.

This episode, like so many, came right outta your needs listeners. We received your phone calls and DM’s. The thing is no one specifically had this question but when Alex and I started talking the common theme was this broader question of how the new normal is affecting us and our relationship with our clients.

Care givers are on the front lines of all this. We are the ones who are dealing with the trauma backlash. The people who are trying desperately to help our clients/patients find comfort and relief but it’s very hard to so when we ourselves are both limited in what we can do and spinning out of control.

I urge you to listen to this episode. I also urge you to find a group of people to support you. We are all in this together. We need others more than ever right now.