Vital Knowledge

How To Write Email Marketing That Gets Opened and Isn’t Boring

Writing email is hard. Keeping up with your newsletters is hard. It’s even harder to keep doing it weekly, monthly, yearly when people don’t open them and just plain ignore what your are saying! Some of that is just part of email life these days. Email boxes are full, but if you can write content that matter, content that YOU want to read, then the right eyeballs will start reading it.

On this episode of Skinfessional we talk about all things mailing lists, emails, newsletters, content creation, and pretty much Alex opens up about what’s worked and not worked in her five years of sending good and bad email marketing campaigns.

In a world where speaking to the right client and the right time is vital, we think this is one of our most important Skinfessional’s yet. Be sure to listen and maybe re-listen!