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Letting Go of Fear and Just Living in The New Normal

Let’s get real for a second – hah! As if we haven’t been “real” on any of our episodes! But I want to get real like talking about fear and stuff that can be triggering for many right now living in the time of pandemic.

I’m a planner. I’m a doer. Most people listening to this probably are as well. We business owners and successful entrepreneurs tend to be. The hardest thing about what’s going on right now is that there are no plans. We can’t make them because everyday some other new explosion and drama is happening.

The new normal is scary and you probably don’t know what you’re doing in it. On today’s show we talk about options for your future and how the new normal leaves room to aspire but maybe not actually plan since anything can change at the drop of the hat.

My moto for 2020 is don’t make plans. Have goals and aspire to them because honestly that’s all you can do. I’m a five year out planner. I’m a freaking Four Star General when it comes to moving the battle troops of my life. So surrendering to this new normal of “Let’s see what shit is gunna happen today and roll with that” is hard.